This would be an extract i am doing the textual analysis on, this is from the storm watch series with Midnighter and Apollo two LGBT superheroes. This is a part of a mission that Midnighter and Apollo are looking hoodlums and at the time of this they start flirting about Midnighter Spike chin. Its at that point you realise that Apollo is showing feelings for Midnighter as to flirting. the line ' You have such a cute face too' shows the affection he has for Midnighter. The pictures are shown as to looking like normal comic with these two superheroes looking for an object. Then we have the second strip which shows him touching th chin where it gives the signal that there is a homosexual attention happening and it gives the aducience the meaning that they are having a relationship happening. This is also shown from the l;ast strip of Apollo the white costume supherhero put his hadn on Midnighter this would be to show the love and the attention they have for eachother. From the psychographic i believe this is for reformers who see a different meaning of comic books and i believe that it will still hit the mainstreamers as to people who would follow the comic books. This goes with theory like uses and gratification as to personal relations as to relate to Midnighter of being homoseuxal and yet being strong and different.
Another meaning would be the fact that when Martian the man hunter shows up they go back to act like they are notthing going on with them. 'You still care that people know about us' This is to show the fact that they are hiding the fact they are in a homosexual relationship and they're facing the fact that its okay to be in one and i believe that it is okay for that. The comic strip shows the alternative versions of them as to the stereotype being alternative as to Midnighter dark black costume and Appolo look a big masculine character. This represents the alternative that LGBT superheroes can be shown different than the avarage stereotype and it is represented very well because of this. It keeps the audience going as to the reason of how the superheroes are still heroes. The story of there relationship is interesting as to them not wanting people to know yet or people knowing being okay. Another idea would be that for them they are represented as superheroes still as to the martian coming in the middle showing he doesnt care about whos attracted to eachother they have a mission and a obligation. The Martian represents it as no matter what gender, sexuality or race that they are still a hero. Detective Comics gives a grim and happy look into these superheroes as to starting off with a natural superhero dark story and then slowly showing the connection between these characters are good.

To me the key to a good run on the Authority is treating the characters with respect, which means treating Apollo and the Midnighter like actual people instead of meaningless background characters or violent stereotypes. It shows them explaining in one of the comic strips that Midnighter our main investigation is on has a heart and doesnt want his lover to die. This is to represent the version of them as to being these grim and powerful characters who cant be stopped have feelings for eachother and that they have this connection. From the background it is showing the feeings of the atmosphere as to the yellow back ground it is representing the fear and the love and that they are. The reason I picked to show this is because it gives us a insight when Midnighter was most vulnerable because he is losing the one person he loeves and doesnt want it to happen. This is suppose to be represented like Batman and Superman as to if they were LGBT characters. From this we can the the action and the eye contact they have for eachother are strong as to they are never going be serparated by anything.
The stereotype of them are alternative because they are superheroes no matter what, it gives the steroptype of lovers as to using the queer theory and how these to lovers do interest the audience because they are shown 'cool'. In addition this is also shwon to be a strong emotional moment for the audience as their beloved sueprhero may die in the comic. This scene in the comic makes the audience feel like its just another love seen with a man and woman and it shouldnt matter what gender they are. From the lines 'You'll die' gives the reaction that Midnighter our strong, powerful and dark anti hero is not ready to lose the one he loves and that he willl fall apart from this. With the arrival of Midnighter it does show that LGBT has a era in the comic book series and that the theme will be large because his story is very unique and symbolic it would go with the psychographic group of the reformers who want to see something different and it would go with the mainstream comic book lovers. This is representing Midnighter at his lowest point and the real person he is because from the other images he is shown killing and that he has no emotion. Giving the audience emotion of this character shows that he is more than that and that his only weakness is his lover and because his lover is a superhuman and industritable it would mean that he wouldnt have a wekaness of losing his lover. Appolo is also shown as a masculine chracter at this point as to being homosexual still shows the alternative as well and a big persona of saving the world no matter what happens. At the end of the day it shows how a superhero comic would be but with a man and man loving eahcother and its the same feeling you want them to stay together.
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